Sooner than you might think, AI interfaces will be integrated into nearly every website, reshaping the online user experience. Websites with quality AI assistants are delivering a competitive advantage, drawing visitors from competitor websites.

AI (Artifical Intelligence) System for deep website integration and intelligent Q&A

The client

A global company with operations in over 20 countries, and many thousands of daily website visitors.

The challenge

The client needed an advanced website interface that would allow visitors to ask questions and receive answers without having to take up valuable time navigating through the site. Despite the website being relatively well-organized, many visitors and customers struggled to easily find the information they needed, leading to frustration and, ultimately, lost business.

Previous attempts to employ "AI chatbots" had failed, even after extensive customization. These "Bots" failed to provide correct answers, did not correctly parse website content and their output became outdated quickly due to the website’s frequent updates, which required constant manual adjustments to the "AI chatbot" configuration.

The proposal

Business Landing developed a solution which combined the strengths of traditional enterprise software and cutting edge AI models. This delivers world-class AI responses to visitor questions, leading to increased customer satisfaction and retention.

The solution

The Business Landing AI framework equips customers with a high-quality, tailor-made AI website assistant in just a few days. This versatile framework is compatible with almost any website, in particular it demonstrates exceptional efficiency and integrity on SME websites ranging from 20 to 5,000 pages.

The AI assistant uses the same framework. Try the compact version below, or try the full search assistant version here.


As we roll out this AI framework to more websites we see a wide range of benefits, some of them unexpected, as listed below:.

  • #1

    Increased customer engagement & retention:

    Website visitors were able to easily find what they needed and get questions answered in an instant.
  • #2

    Website coherence:

    The AI framework's clear understanding of the website content allows it to detect content that was out of date, or in conflict with other information on the website. This allows the customer to quickly identify pages that needed updating or removing. This in turn significantly improved the website visitors experience.
  • #3

    Deep visitor insights:

    While tools like Google Analytics provide valuable data about website visitors, our AI assistant takes it a step further by accurately identifying exactly what visitors are looking for. These insights are then further analysed to generate an invaluable report, highlighting the website’s strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of real users.
  • #4


    The AI framework fits seamlessly into the existing website. Website content updates are instantly reflected in the AI responses, there is no delay or danger of a visitor getting out of date information from the AI assistant.

Key technology used in the AI framework